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HRB Presenter

Mark Time   AKA Mark Kiteley When I played my first record as a DJ, it was to support the guy I was roadie’ing for and he told me I needed a “stage name”; as my dear uncle Charlie used to call me Mark Time from when I was knee high to a grass hopper, I […]

Nick has a passion for Reggae and will be sharing his favourite artists and tracks from the 1960s to the present day. He will be playing favourites that you will be familiar with but also sharing lesser known tracks and artists so maybe you will also love something new.

Michele is a freelance career coach and trainer who believes in the power of music to support wellbeing. She shares her husbands love for music with lyrics that hold meaning and rhythm that gets you tapping along. She will be inviting guests whose roots are in Bedford to join the shows and will be sharing top tips on relaxation.

Matt Walker. I've always wanted to get into radio as I felt inspired by local Rock radios such as Absolute Radio, Kerrang and Zane Lowe. He used to broadcast on Radio 1. I enjoy the comfort of having my own space to chat, I also have a YouTube channel titled Walker Reviews. It's where I talk about Movies, video games, and music. Mark Kermode is a film critic I like to follow and I feel inspired by what he talks about.

I am DJ Jammie, outside of radio I’m better known as Ade. I’ve loved music all my life, I was born in the 70s and grew up listening to the music my Parent’s played. As soon as I could choose my own music I went out and purchased my first ’45 which was D C […]