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HRB Presenter

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Pete started his love of entertaining at 15yrs old running his own mobile disco. He moved into radio working at numerous stations but it was while working at national station ‘Classic Gold’ he had the pleasure of working with his radio hero’s like Tony Blackburn, DLT, Paul Burnett and  Emperor Rosko.

Simon is a well known voice around Bedford, formerly a presenter on Chiltern FM and other local station neighbouring Bedford he can now be heard on many stations around the world. Dance Anthems on Saturday evenings from 9pm ensures your ‘Rhythm Bud’ is exercised as he plays the songs that make you feel like getting […]

Steve is an ex-film and Media student who is well travelled. Giving an insight of what he has learnt, Steve tries to always inspire and promote mental wellbeing, being in his 20s, he may not have a extensive knowledge of music but he love learning something new and always adding to his playlists. Steve listens to any type of music so you never know what will pop up in a playlist next

I’m Ian Griffiths, current Chairman of Hospital Radio Bedford. Whilst I’m not actively presenting live on HRB, I am working behind the scenes to build and promote the station and raise much needed funds to keep us afloat. I’d like to welcome our new members and ask you to be more than just a “Presenter” we need each and every one you to get involved with the running of the station and help with the different Committee positions. Perhaps offer to become a ‘Deputy’ to one of the roles? There is no hierarchy or league tables on my watch. We are all here for the one purpose, “To entertain and inform the Patients and Staff of Bedford Hospital” We intend to attend more Outside Broadcasts in the coming months including two Recruitment and Awareness days to be held in the Harpur Centre, Bedford. The first is scheduled for Saturday 21st October and the second on Saturday 18th November both will be 11am to 4pm. It would be fantastic if you could come and join us and experience the fun of Outside Broadcasting and to meet more of the HRB team. I moved to Sharnbrook In 1981 I started working at Bedford Hospital South Wing as a Porter and Barber, I worked here for just under two years and then opened a barbershop on Elstow Road, I then became a rep selling hair and beauty products. I then moved to a specialist film processor manufacturer in Leighton Buzzard. My passion had always been photography and so long story short In 1998 I started a digital event photography business that still runs today. My Radio life has been quite short amongst some of the big hitters here on HRB at just 7 years. Although in that time I started on Black cat Radio in St. Neots, then Joined HRB, left Black cat and started my own station Beat Route Radio in Northamptonshire, I was well and truly bitten by the radio bug, it can be so addictive.

In a dimly lit studio deep in the vaults of Bedford Hospital, a radio presenter sits with a pile of  your favourite night-time music. Here to keep you company through the wee small hours, whether you are a night owl or on the night shift. Join Ian Brown for the Early Jukebox on Hospital Radio […]

I’m Geoff Clark, I’m the current Treasurer of Bedfordshire Health Radio the charity that runs Hospital Radio Bedford. I’ve been involved with HRB since the late 1970’s but had a large gap in the middle due to work and family commitments, so have been involved for about 20 active years. As well as broadcasting I’ve been involved in the management of the organisation holding posts such as Secretary, Programmes Manager and Chairman of Trustees. From a broadcasting perspective I’ve produced music specific genres such as Motown Specials, but also news-based programs that keep the patients informed. I am particularly keen to promote program structure and content with members new to broadcasting, it’s important that we think about what the patient wants to listen to and not just play music we like.

I started in radio at RAF Cardington in March 1958, in addition to UK and overseas RAF stations, I spent 12 months as a program director on the Aden Forces Broadcasting Association and 3 years at BFBS. Since March 1975 HRB has been my second home as my main hobby.  I currently produce and present the following music […]

Valma is a qualified nurse and Social worker . Her programme "My Body Is Your Temple" to raise awareness of the importance of being aware of once responsibilities to nature and self care of their body to promote their health.

McCartney has been with HRB for 4 years Resume of Ian McCartney: Professional World Traveller, Socialite Extraordinaire, and Hospital Radio Rockstar Objective: To continue my epic journey through life, making friends, travelling the globe, and keeping the world entertained through the airwaves of Hospital Radio Bedford. Summary: Name: Ian McCartney  Passion: Travelling, Socializing, Gig-Going, and […]

For over a decade now, I’ve followed American Football with an unwavering enthusiasm, deeply immersing myself in its rich history and electrifying present. My love for the game led me to several trips to America, where I’ve had the opportunity to watch live games live, experiencing the roaring  excitement first hand. So why not touchdown […]